Well my bags are nearly packed, photocopies have been made of all my ID and I've double checked, no wait, more like quadruple-checked all my flight details for my first flight from Melbourne to Heathrow tomorrow evening. First stop is London. I was there around 2 years ago and loved it so I am looking forward to seeing its grey skies again! Those who know me will know I am not joking when I say I am looking forward to the cold weather of Europe - I love rain, I love the cold and I'm pretty sure I liked the snow when I went once as a kid in Canberra. So it sounds like Europe in winter is my cup of tea!
In packing my bags, I was torn between choosing what book to take with me in my travels. It needed to be something long, so it would last me a few weeks and not too heavy (which can be difficult if one is looking for a nice thick novel). It ended up being a choice between Victor Hugo's Les Miserables, George Eliot's Middlemarch and Dostoevsky's Crime and Punishment. The first was too heavy and the last was too depressing, so Middlemarch it is!